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Simplified road map showing Interstate 25, U.S. Highway 36, E-470 toll, and Denver International Airport (DIA) direction.


The Northwest Parkway is a 75 mile-per-hour toll road that is a part of the Colorado highway system, connecting E-470 at I-25 in the north metro Denver area, with U.S. 36 in Broomfield, Colorado. No federal funds or tax dollars were used to construct or maintain the Northwest Parkway. A toll transaction is recorded on the Northwest Parkway either by reading your vehicle license plate or ExpressToll transponder when you drive through one of our three toll locations (Mainline Plaza, Sheridan, or U.S. 287 ramp) depending on your route. Each trip will generate at least one toll-transaction. Check our Maps. The Northwest Parkway is an All-Electronic Toll Road meaning you will not stop to pay your tolls at the time of travel, increasing convenience and safety.
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